Monday, December 15, 2008

Corey came home early

So after getting some shopping done and spending time with my dad I was at home surfing the internet and there's a knock on the door. I debated wether or not to answer it as I didn't feel like "dealing" with anyone but then it crossed my mind that it could have been Christine, Corey's mom so I went to answer. I opened the door and Corey was standing on the porch! We went and got Del Taco for dinner since neither of us felt like cooking. Yesterday we went and got our Christmas tree! It was so fun picking out just the right tree, and then decorating it was a blast. I like the little set-up I've got going on, I just need to get an extension cord for a little tree that we have for the opposite side of the room.

On the baby front, I should have started my period yesterday morning. I haven't had the cramps and back-ache like usual so this morning when I woke up and there was no sign of it I took a test. Negative. I don't know I did it, 1 day late is nothing and I don't think I'm pregnant, but I've been very clockwork these last few months starting on the 14th early early morning, just wishful thinking I guess.

It was pouring this morning, sounded like it was going to take down the house but looks like it's stopped for now. I'm going to go see Nana tonight, probably play some scrabble and have some dinner, I haven't seen her since Thanksgiving so this visit is long overdue.

Yay! It's almost Christmas!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Corey's out of town

Zoey and I are going to go to the Snoopy house tonight, I'm going to take some family pictures for a friend and she's going to take pictures of Zoey and I, hopefully we get a good one so I can do something cute with it for Corey for Christmas.

Corey is on his way to San Francisco right now, going to an awards benefit thing for skateboarding. He'll be home Sunday so I'll have the weekend to myself, which will be fun but that means I probably won't get much sleep because Zoey will be on edge the whole weekend and will refuse to sleep at night. On the bright side we will get the bed to ourselves.

We went and saw my dad lastnight, he's at home and has a hospital bed in the living room. His bedroom is upstairs so they had to get a bed put in the living room since he obviously can't be walking up the stairs. I'll probably be spending most of my time over there this weekend cause he needs to have someone home pretty much 24/7.

That's about all that's going on right now, work has been slow so I'm wondering if we're going to be doing lay-off's. I hate to say it but I could see my position being one of the first to go. I don't so a lot of different tasks it's just the tasks I do take a lot of time, they were relatively easy and the person that used to have this position still works here so I could see where I could be in danger. Surprisingly I'm not stressing about it yet because I figure whatever happens is going to happen, I have no control over it and maybe the thought of getting a new job isn't completely horrific.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Weekend Review

Most of my weekend was spent in the hospital. After the surgery my dad spent 2 days in ICU, the surgery went well but they had to do a lot more work then they thought they were going to have to do. It ended up lasting a few hours longer then planned and he ended up with a 14" incision and upwards of 375 stitches (they stop counting after 300). My family and I spent our days trying to keep my dad is good spirits, he's definitely a trooper but is still in a lot of pain. I'm glad I got to spend the time with him because he always tells me how much he misses not having me at home anymore.
After leaving the hospital lastnight we went down to Jesse & Chandra's house in Ladera Ranch. We went to celebrate Jesse's birthday since it was on Thanksgiving and we really didn't get to celebrate it on the day, we took down El Toro Bravo and his favorite Claim Jumper chololate mouse pie. As always it was fun to spend time with them and Sydney. She's such a little doll, so happy and content and she likes us! When we were saying bye I was giving her high fives and she leaned over and put her arms out, Chandra almost lost it as she explained that Sydney only puts her arms out to Jesse & herself. I was really touched, I think Sydney knows I'm itching for a baby.
Corey had a really great time as well and enjoyed holding and playing with her, she flirts with him and it's adorable.
Corey went into work lastnight and worked till about 5am this morning. They are trying to get a contract with Costa Mesa PD so they had an inspection of the new building and grounds at 9am, Corey went back again at 8am to be there to meet with the people. Hopefully they get the contract after everyone's hard work. Poor Corey is exhausted, we had every good intention of getting to bed early on Saturday, even missing a night out with some friends because we were just so beat. At 1am we finally gave up trying to sleep, went and made some popcorn and watched Cheaters till 2:30. I didn't sleep lastnight other than a few 20 minute naps, Zoey was on edge because Corey wasn't home so that didn't help either. Today I think I'm beyond exhaustion because I don't even feel tired but I do have dark purple cirles under my eyes.

I started reading the Twilight books on Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I just finished reading book 3 with an average of 2.5 days of reading each book. I don't have book 4 yet so I'm on hold till I get that. I wasn't at all into these books until I ran out of reading materials and my mom gave me book 1 to read, after finishing that I went to 6 different stores trying to find the others with no success, I ordered them online and got them Thursday afternoon just in time to have for the weekend at the hospital.


Just saw this on and wanted to save the idea cause I thought it was cute, this is how one of the other members let her family know they were pregnant:

"I printed off and framed a recent picture of us from Las Vegas, On the back, I wrote a little note that flipped open. The front said: tickets to Vegas, $640; dinner at Eiffel Tower Restaurant, $150, picture frame, $12.99; printing picture at home, $0.05. It flipped open and said "realizing there are actually 3 people in this picture: PRICELESS!!"

Archiving this...hopefully we'll get to use it sooner rather than later.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


My dad has bypass surgery today.

I'm taking off tomorrow to be at the hospital with him, most of my family is at the hospital already and we'll continue to take shifts over the next 6-7 days of him being in the hospital. I'll be spending most of my weekend at the hospital trying to keep him company and in good spirits.

It's times like these I get flooded with great memories from our past. I was definitely a daddy's girl growing up and would beg and plead to go to work with my dad over summer. Fortunately he would give in more often then not and I got to spend my days floating in the harbor or rollerblading around the huge boat he did the wood work on. Such carefree days filled with beef jerky and Sprite.

This photo is one of my favorite photos ever. Obviously from the wedding, my dad was so strong the whole day, but as he put it "I lost it when Lacey said I do" He didn't really lose it but I guess it was at that moment that he realized that I wasn't his little girl anymore. We haven't always had the best relationship and I can't say that he's been the perfect father but I love him despite everything we've been through. There were days a long time ago where I didn't know if I would ever want to talk to my dad again and of course I can't imagine my life with out him.

I think the fact that we've been thru so much has only broughten us closer as a family. I hope today is the end of the pain for my dad and during his recovery our family will grow even closer.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Some of my Thanksgiving goodies. I made pumpkin bread for the families and pumpkin muffins for work. I absolutely love pumpkin bread!

We had our first big rain last week Corey decided to take Zoey on a short car ride to get her out of the house, this is Zoey in the rain coat Corey's mom got her. She gets so excited to put her little outfits on, probably because when she does I chase after her with the camera telling her how cute she looks.