We also celebrated Corey's dad's birthday this weekend, I have no pictures of that but it was fun and we got to spend time with our nieces, and had the yummy Costco chocolate cake that we all love so much.
Today Danielle and I are going to see my grandma this afternoon, Sister Pat is staying with my grandma this week till Thursday so we wanted to get a visit in. Tomorrow Josh has a track meet and I will be taking our good camera so hopefully I'll get some decent pictures.
I'm really excited with the progress in our dining room, we finished putting together our new cabinet/countertop thing and I found 4 paintings to go above it, I also found some cute accessories and can't wait to get everything up and organized. I want to paint the interior of our place but our landlords seem hesitant to let us so I'm kinda in limbo right now, I don't want to hang everything if there's a chance I can paint, I'm hopefully going to find out next week so I guess things will wait till then.