Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday Blues

I don't particularly like Mondays.

I really hate waking up Monday mornings and leaving for work while my husband gets to stay in bed. I've started to realize how much time we don't get to spend together and it's starting to bother me. It sounds ridiculous to say we don't spend much time together but it's true. The only day we have is Sundays and lately we've been so busy with family stuff we don't really get to spend that quality time together. This weekend Corey had to work Friday and Saturday 7am-4pm then both nights again from 9pm-3am. I don't even know how he functioned yesterday. I tried to stay up Saturday night and wait for him to get off but that didn't work.

I went through a lot of stuff lastnight and threw away 2 bags full of random useless things collected on my bookshelf. It feels refreshing to get the clutter out. I also organized half the half. Hopefully tonight I can start on the office. That is a project I'm not looking forward to.

1 comment:

  1. I Sooooooooo badly want to come help you organize.... ugh, my do I have to live so far away?
