Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Letting nature take it's course

Corey and I have decided to let nature takes it's course. In other words we're not trying to conceive but we're not NOT trying to conceive either.

With the recent ovary issues we had agreed that we would really start trying about this time next year, but we mutually decided I should stop taking the pill because it seems to be doing more harm then good for my body and it's $50.00 a month. That $$ will go towards paying off some bills which will just make us that much more ready when the time comes.

Everyone keeps asking when we are going to have kids and we usually come back with "eventually" and I think that'll stay the same. We figure the less people that know exactly what's going on the more we can avoid the more prying questions.

I've been doing a lot of research lately about PCOS and it gets scarier and scarier every time a new study comes out. I want to educate myself but it's hard reading those things and realizing some of it applies to me. Notice "some" of's true I'm probably in denial, but I really don't feel like I'm going to have too hard of a time getting pregnant. I have faith and I just have this feeling it'll happen. I read woman's stories about how they've been trying for 8 months, 26 months, 4 years, and I just don't see that being me. There's all these abbreviations and charts that I just don't see myself needing to learn.

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