So as always I've lagged on updating the blog.
We've been very busy getting ready for our impending arrival. Both showers went amazing, they were so much fun and our little guy is already spoiled rotten. I started laundry today and it took me a half an hour just to get all the tags and plastic things off of the first load but I'm amazed how many outfits you can fit in 1 load, I love it!
I'm also starting to pack my hospital bag, Corey is getting freaked out that I haven't even started it. We've been watching the birth class videos at home rather then actually taking the classes because they didn't work with Corey's work schedule. They are interesting and I'm impressed with all that he is absorbing, he was especially interested in the "drugs" section because he doesn't want the little one to be affected by them. I love that he cares so much and quizzes me on a daily basis as to what I should do when/if my water breaks.
On other fronts Sister Pat isn't doing very well, we went to visit her last weekend only to find out on our way she was rushed to the hospital, we arrived and they were just taking her into emergency surgery. we've visited a few times since then though she is mostly sleeping and when she does wake up she's confused. It's really hard to see her like this, the first time I saw her after surgery she looked exactly like my papa before he passed away. So skinny and frail and pail, almost skeleton looking. While performing the surgery they were able to see that her latest treatments didn't work and the cancer has spread to her her other organs. As soon as she's eating and able to be taken off the IV she will be moved back home to the Carondelet center where hospice will come to take care of her. We all desperately want her back home where the nuns all love her and take amazing care of her, while visiting we've run into a dozen or so other sisters and they all love her dearly and want to make her last days here as comfortable as possible. I don't know how much longer she's expected to live, I pray that she will recover as much as possible and be able to enjoy the time she has left. I selfishly hope that she will hold on long enough to atleast meet our little guy. Growing up I was very close to Sister Pat and would spend weeks at a time during summer with her and though I don't get to see her as often she has always been someone I've looked upto because of her strength, faith and how completely nonjudgmental she is. As sad as I am to know she'll be leaving us soon it breaks my heart to think she will not be a part of my children's lives. She has said that she's at peace with everything and is ready to go, I can't be mad at her for that :(
Ok, well now I'm emotionally drained and need to fold some baby clothes. I promise to TRY to update atleast once more this month.