How far along? 38 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: Up 7 pounds
Maternity clothes? Definitely
Stretch marks? More then I'd like to admit
Sleep: I got 3 hours a row the other night, that was heaven!
Best moment this week: Corey woke me up yesterday and said "I had a dream about the baby" I replied "oh really?" he said "Ya, I woke up smiling" Totally melted my heart.
Movement: Slowing down, had to go to L&D to get monitored, he's getting lazy!
Food cravings: Of course all I could think about these last few weeks have been the thanksgiving feast, I'm so happy to have left overs!
Gender: Still a boy, it's been confirmed 2 more times!
Labor Signs: NOTHING, Nada, zilch! I think he's comfy in there and has no desire to leave
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but getting very very shallow
What I miss: Full nights of sleep
What I am looking forward to: Hoping to have some progress at my appt on Monday
Milestones: Umm, I have 8 days to go...8 DAYS!
Yay for only 8 more days! The maternity shots are amazing. You look so beautiful with that cute belly!