Friday, May 30, 2008

and the reality of it hits

Yesterday I had a Dr's appointment. I had a bunch of tests run and spent a good amount of time talking to my new Dr. I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago so I voiced my concerns and got a lot of answers I wasn't hoping for. Corey and I aren't in the planning stages of having a child but it's something we want in our future. PCOS creates problems with fertility and then actually being able to carry a baby to term. I've done my research over the years but now that we are married and in the "childbearing" age it was really difficult hearing the statistics and facts knowing that they're about me. Polycystic Ovaries is a relatively unresearched syndrome, though there is plenty information about it on the internet a lot of it isn't based on facts or studies. Of course today all I can do is think of the possibility of not being able to get pregnant or worse getting pregnant and miscarrying. I hate to look at the negative as I should be focusing on the positives and other alternatives...

but I'll save that for next week.

Today I want to be sad for what looks like will be a tough journey ahead of us.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

2 Posts in 1 day!

I don't think I've ever mentioned it before but Corey has found his passion. Well, it's not as if he just found it, he's been aware of it for awhile now and has been working hard to get the required equipment. Photography is definitely something he is talented in and had his first phots published in a magazine about a year ago. Since then he has had a dozen more published and has even gotten the cover of a magazine! He has another 2 page ad for Hurley coming out next month. It's really exciting for me to see him so passionate about his photos. I'm hoping one day he can have a career in the field because he really does have the talent and patients for it. He'll be going to mammoth next weekend so hopfully he'll get some more great shots.

Here's the magazine cover:


I've definitely been lagging lately, there doesn't seem to be much time for anything these days. I guess that's the way it goes though right...there's never enough time or money. Unfortunatly, there doesn't seem to be much money either.
We're really feeling the crunch right now, especially since I was in an accident a few weekends ago. I should be getting my car back in about 2 weeks but until then I'm driving an Impala which cost me $60.00 to fill up! My car was filling up slightly over $40.00 and it went a lot further. I have to get gas today and I'm completely dreading it. The price of gas is getting ridiculous, actually it's been ridiculous for some time now, and it's seems other things are following. I've definitely noticed spending a little more at the grocery store. Guess it's time to start cutting coupons.

Life has been going good, we've been spending lots of time with our families lately, which is always...interesting. It's funny that even though both our families are completely different they are very much the same in a lot of ways.

Anyways, I'm going to see Sex & The City this weekend, couldn't be more excited. I'm not a huge movie buff so actually planning to go see a movie is a huge deal for me. I can't wait!