Saturday, April 18, 2009

7 Weeks

I'm officially 7 weeks today.

My appointment went well, I had a bunch of tests done and I go for my ultrasound on the 27th.

I went to dinner lastnight with a girlfriend and found out that my new OB is actually who delivered her son because her Dr. was out of town, she said she loved her. My Dr. isn't taking on any new pregnancy's for the time around my due date so I was nervous to switch Dr's but she comes highly recommended so I'm put at ease.

It's still so new and exciting. I got a pregnancy journal yesterday and filled out as much as I could, I hope to record everything so my son or daughter will know how thrilled we are to bring him/her into the world.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your due date was bummed up??? How exciting! Can't wait to hear more!
