Thursday, April 9, 2009

Baby Newman

Baby Names - Name Badge Ticker

It's true ... we're expecting our first!

Thrilled, over the moon, ecstatic are understatements.

I had an ultrasound Monday and measured at 5 weeks, I go for lab work on the 15th. I'm hoping and praying for a healthy pregnancy.

I took a test on the 2nd and just about died when it popped up "pregnant" I was on the phone with one of my girlfriends and between laughing, crying, and hyperventilating I got it together enough to run to CVS and buy a different brand, took another and again "pregnant". I had always planned to tell Corey in a really cute way and make it really special for him but when I saw him later that afternoon I couldn't wait and just handed him one of the tests. I think he was in shock.

After the ultrasound Corey couldn't wait to tell our parents, I wanted to wait a few more weeks just to be safe but he wouldn't have any of that so I agreed we would tell them on Easter. I bought big plastic eggs and put bibs that said "I love grandma", "I love grandpa" inside and wrapped the ultrasound with a pretty bow. Corey couldn't wait till Easter so we told them Monday evening. Corey's parents already have 2 grandchildren so though they are happy for us, I knew we wouldn't get as great as a reaction as we would with my parents. Once my mom opened her egg she was sobbing and when my dad opened his he was yelling and couldn't stop smiling. My dad has had a lot of problems since his surgery and we had just taken him to the hospital earlier that day so it was perfect timing, really lifted his spirits. Since we told them Corey hasn't been able to stop telling everyone else, I keep getting excited phone calls and it's hysterical.

I don't know that it's really hit me yet, I sometimes have to remind myself I'm pregnant. I'm extremely excited but I'm still a little hesitant to let my guard down because I know women with PCOS are roughly 35% more likely to miscarry. It's obviously still very early and I know I will feel much better after my appointment next week. My mom has boughten my some magazines and a friend of a friend is giving me 4 books to read. I'm really excited and can't wait to get started!

1 comment:

  1. I can't stop crying. I've been praying for this and when you posted that good news was coming, my friend was here and I turned to her and said, "I hope this means she's pregnant!"

    I cannot even express to you just how happy I am for you and Corey, and this wonderful baby who will be born to such amazing parents.

    Oh, and the shock never goes away! The way I found out and told Jeremy is exactly the same way it happened with you, I'm just over 14 weeks and I still have to look at our ultrasound pictures a thousand times a day at least just to make sure it's true!

    Babies are the most wonderful gift. And don't worry about miscarriage. I had many many who thought I was foolish to tell people at four weeks (We told people the day we found out). But I KNEW that baby was suppost to be born. Every time I would be puking my guts out, I would hold my little belly and thank God that my baby was healthy. Now he's almost two!

    Okay seriously I could write for an hour because I'm so excitead, but I'll spare you. I miss you so much, please let me know if there is anything you need!
