Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The craziness is beginning

I always feel that from October thru December life just flies by before I really have time to enjoy it. Fall is my favorite time of year and I hope since I'm not working this year I will really get to experience it in all it's glory.
The baby shower planning is in full swing. Nikki is throwing a friends shower and I'm having a joint co-ed family shower with my cousins wife. She's due 5 weeks after me so we decided to have a joint shower to make it easier on the family, we are helping plan it with my mom since it's going to be a larger shower.
I'm going to see Legally Blonde the musical on September 12th with Jen for her birthday. The last week in September my brother turns 17, Geeze!!! We have friends staying with us from out of town that weekend, the next weekend we have a wedding to go to in Sacramento, I will be going as long as my Dr. approves it at my appt. the week before. Our niece Alyssa turns 4 on the 7th, the 10th is the friends shower, 11th is Alyssa's birthday party the 13th is Nikki's birthday, 16th is Corey's birthday, 18th is the family shower, Diana's birthday is the 19th, and that just get's is thru the better half of the month. Things look just about as busy heading into November.

I hope this heat chills out soon. I know compared to other places it's very mild but I'm completely miserable. I can't get anything done because 5 minutes into it I'm sweating. We don't have air conditioning as we live in an older house and close to the beach, I'd be tempted to have one installed but since we don't own this place it wouldn't be worth it. Luckily I still have a 3 full months before the little one comes to finish things.

He is still baby nameless. We haven't even discussed it all all lately because we can't agree on anything, everyone seems annoyed by it but it's our choice and we aren't in a huge rush to name him. Even if we do chose a name soon I'm tempted not to tell anyone cause when they do ask what names we are thinking of their opinion on the name can't help but make it's way out. I appreciate honesty, but when someone is telling you a name they are considering for their child don't respond with "oh, I don't like that name" good thing we aren't naming you then huh?


  1. Hey girl!!! Found your blog! Sounds like you have A LOT going on~ Luckily, that only makes the pregnancy go that much quicker! Woo hoo! When's your actual due date? Congratulations again! Just wait until you have those baby showers.... Once you have all the stuff you need, and you're at the point where the Dr. gives you the go-ahead to "pack your bag," suddenly it all becomes VERY real!

  2. Too funny! I know exactly what you mean. It seemed like everyone had an opinion about our little guys name. We got a lot of negative responses, it's too bad people just can't be supportive.
