Friday, September 11, 2009

Ready for Fall

I'm so ready for fall to begin. I made my first batch of pumpkin muffins lastnight, I cheated. All the recipe consists of is pumpkin puree, a box of cake mix and spices. Can't say they are the best I've ever made but definitely good enough for my cravings. I must have been nesting lastnight cause after that I cleaned the entire kitchen (minus floors, cause I hate cleaning floors) and then cleaned the shower and tub. My sciatic nerve has been acting up, I've been trying to take it easy cause I have a busy weekend coming up but when I don't do anything it stiffens and get's worse. I hate it.

All the Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations are up at stores, is it too early to start decorating my house? :P

Tomorrow I will be starting my 3rd trimester, well depending where you read it ranges from 26-28 weeks so I'll say it's official tomorrow. I've heard this is the most uncomfortable trimester and I believe it, lately things just haven't been feeling right. I don't feel like myself at all constantly having aches and pains. But I'll take it all and try to love every minute of it cause it means I'm that much closer to meeting my little man. I love the way Corey refers to him as his "guy" lastnight he was kicking and Corey could see my belly moving, he laughed and said "that's my little guy" I find it so sweet.


  1. I busted out the Halloween decs. If the stores can why can't I. Also all of Lucas' Halloween shirts. Jeremy thinks I'm crazy. This year I'm getting in two months worth of Halloween instead of one :) I can't wait to start making pumpkin choc. chip cookies! Yum Yum!! Maybe I'll even attempt a pumpkin roll.

  2. YES! You heard RIGHT! The 3rd trimester isn't so much fun. Then again, none of it was really FUN for me, (I threw up every single day WITHOUT fail, up until the very day I delivered, thanks to Hyperemesis). So maybe I don't count. Just try to enjoy your sleep now, because towards the very end, about the last 30 days were pretty brutal for me. I cried every single day wanting my baby out! The BEST part about starting your 3rd trimester is you're THAT much CLOSER to holding your precious baby boy in your arms :)

    -I also loved the "little guy" thing that your hubby says. So sweet. He must be thrilled!
