Thursday, November 19, 2009

Good intentions

I had really good intentions to update the blog but once I started thinking about all it would say I sat here for a few minutes just staring. Things have been so crazy lately and I don't think I've really let it all hit me.
Sister Pat passed away, I had to miss her rosary and funeral because I had 2 Dr's appts that I couldn't get rescheduled and had to attend because I was having tests done. Corey and I did make it to the cemetery for the burial mass and for the get together afterwards. It was really nice to see all my family and celebrate all that Sister Pat did for us and thousands of other people and families. We were so blessed to have her in our lives, she was an incredible woman and I will always miss her. I'm heart broken that our little guy didn't get to meet her but plan to do my best to keep her memory alive and I'm so grateful she said a blessing for him days before passing away.

My birthday has come and gone, our floors should be finished tomorrow and I've been watching our niece Jayden for the last 2 weeks to help out Corey's brother.
At my appt last Thursday the baby was measuring small, in the 20% but my Dr. said it's nothing to worry if! I've been doing my best not to stress about it cause I know that isn't going to help anything. I have another appt. today, with 16 days until my due date it's all seeming a little surreal.

1 comment:

  1. Oh hun, I'm so sorry you have so much going on right now. I know how stressful the end of pregnancy is and then to compound it with the loss of a great friend :(

    I know it's hard, by try not to worry about the same of littl baby boy. Remember how stressed out I was at the end, I HAD to get him out because he was measuring 90th percentile, he ended up being just under 50th. Ultrasound can be a few pounds off. Even if he is little, it doesn't mean he isn't healthy. He will be just every way.

    I'm getting so excited to see him. I wish I could be there. It's getting harder and harder to be so far from my girls.

    Love you! You and your family are in our prayers!
