Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dear Sonic

I see your commercials 4513 times a day and for the last few years I've been wanting to try some of your yummy looking juices but there is not one of you near me. A few weekends ago I drove 7 hours and there you were, shining brightly with lots of happy customers. I didn't have time at that moment to visit you but I made Corey pinky promise we would visit you on the way home. All weekend I was so excited to taste your juicy goodness, my mouth was watering when I saw your commercials that weekend and I would jump up and exclaim "I'm coming to see you soon!"
As we got in the car to depart and I said to Corey "Don't forget you pinky promised Sonics" he says "I know babe don't worry we are heading there" "Yippee!"
I see you from a distance "Babe, There it is!!! NO, don't get gas now, get it afterwards, I haven't had anything to drink all morning so I could have some of their juicy yumminess" My excitement bubbles over as we pull into the parking lot, but ... there's a fence. " Go around to the other side I bet it's open over there" Corey drives to the other side "Ok wait, go back to where we came from it has to be open there, there's people there, I can see them" Corey drives back around, still no openings. "Lacey all those people are wearing hard harts and vests, they're closed for remodel" Then a heard a loud crushing sound, looked around and realized it was my heart, breaking. The whole ride home I was in a bad mood because of you, and when my car decided to stop working in the middle of the freeway that was blamed on you also. I'll have you know I no longer watch your commercials with excitement and want, I fast forward as quickly as possible and if I do happen to ever see you again, I will not visit. Distance will not make this heart grow stronger.
The End.

1 comment:

  1. Sonic is over-rated. Their drinks are amazing, their food is sub-par. However, if you really do come to visit in the spring (which would be SOOOOOOOO fun) There is a Sonic right around the corner from me. I stop there often when I need a pick me up.

    PS. I about peed in my pants laughing. That was hilarious.
