Thursday, December 11, 2008

Corey's out of town

Zoey and I are going to go to the Snoopy house tonight, I'm going to take some family pictures for a friend and she's going to take pictures of Zoey and I, hopefully we get a good one so I can do something cute with it for Corey for Christmas.

Corey is on his way to San Francisco right now, going to an awards benefit thing for skateboarding. He'll be home Sunday so I'll have the weekend to myself, which will be fun but that means I probably won't get much sleep because Zoey will be on edge the whole weekend and will refuse to sleep at night. On the bright side we will get the bed to ourselves.

We went and saw my dad lastnight, he's at home and has a hospital bed in the living room. His bedroom is upstairs so they had to get a bed put in the living room since he obviously can't be walking up the stairs. I'll probably be spending most of my time over there this weekend cause he needs to have someone home pretty much 24/7.

That's about all that's going on right now, work has been slow so I'm wondering if we're going to be doing lay-off's. I hate to say it but I could see my position being one of the first to go. I don't so a lot of different tasks it's just the tasks I do take a lot of time, they were relatively easy and the person that used to have this position still works here so I could see where I could be in danger. Surprisingly I'm not stressing about it yet because I figure whatever happens is going to happen, I have no control over it and maybe the thought of getting a new job isn't completely horrific.

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