Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wow I'm a lagger

I don't even know where to begin, it's been so long.

Christmas was a blast, we all did a scaled down Christmas this year but Santa was still very good to me. My favorite gift was my green ipod, I love it, it's really been put to good use this last week. Of course we went from house to house and we even got 2 full hours of alone time in between Corey's parents and my grandma's. It was nice to spend time with friends and family. I got Corey a flannel looking jacket with wool lining, when I bought it I really hoped he would like and he's worn it pretty much everyday so I'm thinking he does. Zoey got some new babies to play with and she loves them.

New Years Eve was terrible, I got layed off. We cancelled our plans and stayed home, I made meatball sandwhiches on some excellent italian bread and we played the Wii, we were in bed by 11:30, watched the ball drop and called it a night.

I've officially been out of work for 3 days now and it sucks. I've decided to take full advantage of not working and already hung out with my grandma and next week we are planning to go to Redondo Beach to visit my aunt and uncle. I've been applying to jobs like crazy, but there's not a lot out there and what is out there is dollars less an hour than what I was making...I'm talking $6-$8 less.'s scary as we depend on both of our salaries equally. I've filed for unemployment and will get in touch with an agency soon. I hate using temp agncies, it takes a whole day to take their tests and fill out their forms and then they throw you into a job wether it's right for you or not. I've used them in the past with no luck. hopefully I'll update more, I've spent all of my time on the computer looking for a job and will continue to do so but will make time to post.

1 comment:

  1. Poo on them! Their loss. Everything happens for a reason though, something great will come along!
