Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We had a visitor

Yesterday Jesse had an interview and Chandra was working so we got to spend some time with Sydney. She is such a sweet little girl and we love her to pieces. She's extremely mellow and well behaved, she has big beautiful blue eyes and looking into them you really see childhood innocence.
Uncle Corey & Sydney
Zoey & Sydney

Zoey had to get her yearly shots so she got the total spa day, she got her hair cut and nails done. I hate taking her to the Vet because she realizes about a mile away where we are going and starts shaking. It kills me to feel her shaking in my arms and not being able to comfort her. Corey picked her up in the afternoon and when she got home she was happy to see me at first and then was ignoring me and wouldn't look at me for a long time. Eventually she got over it and was back to her old self, she loved having someone her own size to play with and she's very gentle with little ones.

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