Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today we are attending a funeral for one of Corey's friends, David. Yesterday was the viewing and rosary and today will be the mass and burial. I didn't know David all that well, I only really remember all the kind words he had for my good friend Matt who passed away in 2001. Corey went to school with David for many years and they're friendship grew when they were starting their days at 4:30am for their school's surf team. As his sister said David was known as the teddy bear not only because he was always there for you and brought comfort but also because he sorta looked like one, like the type of person you would want a big bear hug from after a tough day.
My heart breaks for his family and close friends who loved him so much and depended on him to be their rock, one of his best friends said that though he's sad David is gone from his life he's really sad for all the people who won't ever get to meet him. From the turn out lastnight it was very obvious he was very loved and many many people will miss him. Death is never fair but it seems more obvious when you are seeing a mother grieving over her son who is only 25.
I know today will be a hard day for Corey, we've lost a lot of people we've really cared for over the years and unfortunately it doesn't get any easier. I know for me when I find out someone passes all the feelings from every other person I've said goodbye to comes flooding back and it makes for a very emotional rollercoaster and alot of kleenex's. I think we all take comfort in knowing that all of the other great people we've said goodbye to are now greeting our recently passed friends. I know Matt and David will be having a great time and now there's another quardian angel watching over us all.
R.I.P. David Rodriguez

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