Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Hump Day

A little updating

My dad's surgery went well, he will have another one on a few weeks for the arteries around his heart and in his legs. He has an appointment with the vascular surgeon later this week.

Friday night we went to Corey's parents house to have dinner and hang out, they were watching the girls over night so we did a lot of playing. Corey's dad had a free round-trip plane ticket he had forgotten about, all travel had to be done by Nov. 2 so I told Corey he should go visit some friends. After making a couple calls, spending a few minutes on the internet and $5.00 later he asked me to take him to the airport Saturday after work.
Saturday I went to lunch & Target with Nikki then after dropping Corey at the airport I went back for a fun night. A few other people came over so we ordered pizza and played beer pong. I brought over the Wii so we played that a little. It was a fun night.

Sunday I cleaned and did almost all the laundry in the house, I had 1 load of towels and 1 load of my own laundry left. My sister came over for a couple hours to sell a table we had of hers, she stayed awhile and we got to chat.

This week has gone by pretty quickly, I can't believe Halloween is this weekend! We still don't have a clue what we are going to do, I'm assuming go to someone's party or something.

Well I really don't feel like writing anymore

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