Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I search: within myself to to find strength

I wonder: if I will ever learn to be spontanious

I regret: the way I usually just ignore problems and hope they go away

I love: My family, every single one of them, all for different reasons

I care: too much

I always: try to make the best out of every situation

I worry: that my body will prevent me from the one thing I've looked forward to my whole life

I am not: the pushover I used to be

I remember: things from my childhood that I sometimes still resent my parents for

I believe: that everyone is put here for a reason, and I haven't found mine

I sing: when I'm on an emotional high

I dance: very rarely

I don’t always: feel like I'm doing a good enough job pleasing everyone

I argue: because I have my fathers temper

I write: to let everything out and clear my head

I win: I got the best brother

I lose: because I usually expect to much

I wish: we could move far away

I listen: and try to only give my opnion when asked

I don't understand: why everyone doesn't know "right from wrong"

I can usually be found: At work or at home

I am scared: when I dream about bad things before they happen

I need: my husband everyday

I forget: what it's like to be single and that doesn't bother me one bit

I am happy: 97% of the time

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